Todd Foundation: 90% time saved on monthly board packs
Christina leads a small team responsible for collating and delivering the board packs to the Todd Foundation’s eight trustees, who are located between Auckland, Wellington, down to the West Coast and Dunedin.
A task that used to take 2 - 3 days has been reduced to a few hours now.
Prior to discovering BoardPro, their team would spend up to 2 ½ days in preparation, printing, collating, checking, binding, and then couriering the hard copy packs out to the trustees. This process was time and resource intensive for the small philanthropic trust, and lacked flexibility for changes required.
Another more surprising challenge they faced was the decreasing reliability of their courier service, as non-deliveries were resulting all too often, and the trustees would find themselves getting their papers too late.
Now that the Todd Foundation have been using BoardPro for the last year, Christina and Valerie couldn’t highlight enough the time saving they benefit from using this software. Christina said, “as a trust, we are always looking for ways that we can use our resources most effectively”. These time savings came from BoardPro’s automation in Minutes, Actions, Interests, and a flexible agenda builder. A task that used to take 2-3 days has been “reduced to a few hours now”
Having been somewhat apprehensive about realistic benefits from using BoardPro, after finding tech solutions often take up more time than they save, they said “BoardPro is definitely the exception to that!”. As well as a thumbs up from Christina and Valerie, they said the response from the board has been great, and the uptake was quick and easy.
And the best part – being able to distribute the packs digitally from within the portal means no more non-deliveries from the courier service!

About Todd Foundation
The Todd Foundation is a philanthropic family foundation. They provide funding and support to organisations based in Aotearoa NZ that add to the vision of ‘An inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand where all families, children and young people can thrive and contribute’.
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