Webinar & Masterclass Series

Governance Made Easy

Learn practical skills from governance experts from around the
world designed for the next generation of business leaders, all with the purpose of making governance easy.





Attend these live governance webinars and masterclasses

BoardPro webinar and masterclass series 2024     Download the full webinar and masterclass schedule (Jan -Aug 2024) Download pdf →

The line-up of renowned governance and business experts

Discover our exceptional webinar speakers and panelists from various industries who present across governance topics.

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Governance Made Easy

Watch our catalogue of on demand webinars

The fundamentals of governance, delivered to you in lively webinars by governance experts.


What Is Good Governance In Early Stage Companies

Being a director of an early stage, angel- or VC-backed company is different, and in many ways more challenging than established company directorships.

Governance provides a framework of guides and guard rails within which the business grows. The board adds a wide range of perspectives on how to grow a business, and in particular, this business – enabling founders and management to get on with doing it, without the full burden of sole founder responsibility for every decision made.

A good board looks to the future, ensuring that the focus remains on the longer term strategy, balancing immediate needs of revenue with longer term needs of building enterprise value.